I found my Sociology Lecturer!!
Well I'm still pretty lost with trying to figure the darn HTML codes, previous attempts to include additional links only succeeded in blocking the Blogger button at the sidebar. Not that I'm really particular about the button being but as you can see the additional link box is out of proportion and I'm attempting to try other HTML codes I can lay my hands own which would correct this problem. *Determined Look*
Well I'm still pretty lost with trying to figure the darn HTML codes, previous attempts to include additional links only succeeded in blocking the Blogger button at the sidebar. Not that I'm really particular about the button being but as you can see the additional link box is out of proportion and I'm attempting to try other HTML codes I can lay my hands own which would correct this problem. *Determined Look*
Ok, I know I can do this. No half-baked low-grade non-upgradeable PC is going to stop me from mastering the language of pictorial & contextual website blogging.
Oh yes there is this Sociology Lecturer who taught me during 2003 and he is Mr Steven McDermott, basically a short tribute to him because he changed the way I view things forever. He didn't just teach Sociology, he showed us how to apply and how alive it is in our everyday lives where certain issues are slapped right into our faces. Prior to his teachings I have no absloute clue what Sociology is all about. Now I am thoroughly influenced by his sense of satirical humour while sharp insight into current affair issues commented by him [always fondly remembering his nickname as the "Evil Guai Low"].
Before I get the links working properly and encased into a nice are within the sidebar, you can check out his Blog. I kid you not, he is a world of knowledge encased within a stature of Pocket Hercules.
Now! Back to experimenting with the damn language.
Oh yes there is this Sociology Lecturer who taught me during 2003 and he is Mr Steven McDermott, basically a short tribute to him because he changed the way I view things forever. He didn't just teach Sociology, he showed us how to apply and how alive it is in our everyday lives where certain issues are slapped right into our faces. Prior to his teachings I have no absloute clue what Sociology is all about. Now I am thoroughly influenced by his sense of satirical humour while sharp insight into current affair issues commented by him [always fondly remembering his nickname as the "Evil Guai Low"].
Before I get the links working properly and encased into a nice are within the sidebar, you can check out his Blog. I kid you not, he is a world of knowledge encased within a stature of Pocket Hercules.
Now! Back to experimenting with the damn language.
Hi julian
nice to see one of my students taking the bull by the horn and saying wht they think and how they are interpreting the chaos around them.
keep blogging
Yeah, I love that blog too, one of the rare Singaporeans who can really write. Been following him for a while and it always depresses me to realise that silly blogs like xiaxue has thousands of clicks a day while Singabloodypore is so underrated.
People don't know what they're missing!
ms. beautifuk
Hi Steven! Yeah well I was seriously influenced by you ever since the year I was under your tutelage. Will link ya up once I get the links working fine! =)
Yup Beautifuk, I was first introduced to his blog when I doing some sourcing for research. Ironically it was through his website that I came to know about Xiaxue.
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