Monday, January 29, 2007

Yesterday. Tomorrow.

It has been really some time since I have updated this blog. I guess we're all subjected to tendencies of being too caught up in self-fulfilling acts of priorities every now and then. What is meant in simple terms means - I'm just too busy at times.

A quick look back at the past times I had gone through with Danz InC [which was often referred to as StageArts Dance] and I would think back on the times when I was still more carefree where it was shuttling between SIM and NYP. Times didn't seem so bad because it was just from one institution to another. The environment didn't seem to be that different although the study crowd might seem to be more mature in terms of dressing for the students at SIM. Trust me, some of the people you see in SIM dress like they're already prepared to go for a fashion shoot any moment. I'm not sure maybe it's just me singling out the people who tend to dress to get noticed.

The working environment that I'm currently based at however has a world of difference when I step out of that company and fly down to NYP for training sessions on tuesdays and thursdays. My current colleagues are pretty decent people and my big boss seems to have a good impression of me - for now. I'm not sure of his exact reasons for him being nice to me but I will ask this from him when I do my performance appraisal with him [which is due very soon] because my probationary period of 3 months is comin to an end and if I have performed as expected of the level of commitment then a confirmation into my new post with a pay raise [hopefully one of much more than originally expected hehe] would be of much sweetness.

The past week had been pretty uptight for a lot of Danz InC dancers I believe, with the Open House performances and the Hiphop Hunt. Not to mention we have a few people who are crossed members of the NYP Ballroom Dance Club called Le Ballroom En Masse as well. So we have people who are rushing for quick changes which to me is almost a demonstration of just quick people can be when attempting to slip into a costume which is almost a totally different one from the previous item. Think - to change from a salsa costume into a hiphop locking costume. Zelia - I applaud you. At least it ended on a good note with good performances, great crowd support [especially during the Hiphop Hunt where the crowd was just "wow-ing" at the senior team]. Sigh. Yes guys I'm proud of you all indeed. I'm sure we'll have other chances to compete together again.

The sudden news of a colleague who used to be my supervisor when I first started with this company is now leaving. The news had left me rather saddened because she was really nice to me when I first came to this company. Kinda wishy-washy and not very serious about what I am doing. Allowing me to take leave whenever I wanted to even though I didn't have a concrete reason, the last thing I knew was I didn't do a good job for the project that she was entrusted with. However, the boss and the client was surprisingly happy with the results I produced which did kinda left me rather confused about whether did I really do a bad job or what. Anyway, shortly after the project I was selected to go for an interview with one of this company's client called AutoDesk. That client seemed rather interested in what I had done for my Supervisor's project and wanted to hire me to be based as in-house telemarketeer. A pilot project that promises unknown opportunities and to become a full-fledged Call Centre Team Leader in the near future should the project take off. Yes, the catch is Should.

This current company wasted no time and offered me the terms of a permanent position instead. I knew that the terms that this Company were slightly lower than perhaps what AutoDesk could have offered but I took up the position as Project Team Leader with this company too because they're in the midst of expanding rapidly and they too can offer opportunities of an unknown scale as well. Perhaps delving into actual process management as well. As under such consideration - I accepted their current offer and threw myself into the work. And now - the performance appraisal looms near and this perhaps will determine just how am I viewed in terms of work performance in the corporate sector when previously my work standards were judged according to the Civil Service Sector. Cross my heart and hope to die, I can't wait for Wednesday to arrive.

Tomorrow my new biggest and most intensive project starts.
Tomorrow I shall receive my actual UOL Degree Certificate from RELC.
Tomorrow I shall have some time to go shopping.
Tomorrow I shall receive my pay cheque.
Tomorrow I shall be able to reach the NYP Dance Studio by 6pm plus.
Tomorrow - is going to be a hell of an exciting day.

Wish me Luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is all so cool and exciting and terrible at the same time, juu lee en. lol. you know what i mean eh.

yaaaah, we need more chances to compete together! rawwwrrr-

TAKE MORE LEAVE ! mwahahahaha =xx

ooh, quick-change-pish-posh. -flicks hair- LOL.

so what's missing in your life... erm,
when you gonna have babies! xD

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeaYEAYEAYEAYEYeayeayeayeyaeyaeayeayea WHEN U HAVE BABIES!!!!!???

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

update blog update blog!!!

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi... update leh... so long already!! hahahaha

8:50 AM  

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