Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well hurray, I'm officially down with a serious bout of flu and sore throat and dry cough [the extent of coughing though threatens to pulverise my lungs and squeeze the last breath out] not being helped with the fact that my Mum has been nagging non-stop for me to go see the doctor. Not me to exactly believe in medications for cough and flu, I stubbornly refused.

Tuesday was a pretty eventful day for me actually. Woke up in the morning feeling kinda of dizzy and weak - the symptoms of falling sick for sure but still logged on to send out some email resumes. Cross my heart and clasp my hands. I hope they receive replies soon.

Peter has dropped the bomb on my surprise of the day. He has started playing Maple Story! tHaT is indeed something I would have never expected in my whole life. I mean, half the time he is running around rushing to dance practises. Hiphop.. Jazz.. Ballet.. Chinese Dance.. And yes, his infamous nick of "The One who never sleeps" reinforces the fact that 18 hours a day he is involved in some dance practise or another. While others admire his passion for dance and his resolute iron will in pushing himself for continous improvement both technically and versatilly, at times I would just express a show of concern for his health for there is so much a human body can achieve within a period of time. As a direct translation from a chinese proverb - The Rest serves to walk a longer distance.

So in the early morning I spent slightly more than an hour to help Peter familiarise with certain key controls of the game and helped him to achieve Level 8 at a faster rate as well. My apologies to Loretta for forgetting to reply her earlier though. After the reminder SMS beeped did I realise, sent out an immediate apology.

As I went out of the house, I realised my body was indeed not taking kindly to all the additional stress that I am heaping upon. The running nose would not stop, the cough would not cease and the dizziness would not fade. Took me an effort just to select the cake and purchase it. Just for clarification - I was on my way to NYP and there was a selected celebration for two StageArts [SA] seniors named Sherry and Jianghao who were going to enjoy their birthdays on both 21st and 22nd respectively.

As I reached NYP, I deposited the cake with Rene's Dad [her father owns a drinks stall in one of the NYP Canteens] before proceeding to locate the DC people so that I can watch their performance titled "Reach" for today. When I entered the dance studio they were already dressed in their costumes [obviously since they already had a morning performance] with Loretta, Priscilla and Evon and.. was her name Shiping? huddled in a group taking group pictures. Soon I was included in the photo-taking session as well. Hmmm. Overheard someone asking where I am from and the reply was "StageArts" LOL. Guess I am really becoming identified with StageArts more and more now.

Pondered back to my ex-SIM Dance Club President's sms which requested me to go back to dance for the student week orientation item. Should I continue to perform for them? Despite knowing that most of them are simply not caring two-hoots about how the club would progress? There were a few really committed and passionate memebers who were the main reasons why I continued during that time to push most of my time in helping them. Both as a committee member and as one of core performing teams. Granted our performance team alone was bonded but I have to admit the committee is absolutely horrendous when it comes to maintaining members' follow up and liaison protocols. You just don't recruit members and then expect them to stay with you when you don't attempt any distinct forms of bonding with them. To me, the dance club was more like a profit-based organisation then an actual dance group with a distinct culture. I wondered how many of the performance members they managed to call back this time - haven't asked the rest of my team members yet.

Despite some protests from Yeeshan and Bathildes, I continued to take the juniors for class today. My first announcement to them is I am very sick today and if I can match or even exceed their energy level in dance be prepared to be shamed. Could see their looks of stress surface immediately. LOL. At least they showed lots of fighting spirit today and even managed to finish a short chereo on the spot. Yeeshan and Firdaus came up with a spontaneous decision of doing "battling" where there was teasing, baby freezes and lots of cheering. I practically collasped on the dance studio floor the moment the class ended breathing so heavily that Rene and another gal whom I could not remember came over to ask if I was ok. All fuzzy and giddy and no distinct ability at recognising for a while.

Booked a cab, reached home. Ran out of flu medicine, took some cough syrup and washed up. Concussed on the sofa for a few hours before dragging my absolute dead-tired body unto my bed at 3am plus.

A picture paints a thousand words
A face that launches a thousand ships

Doest thou ever wonder
A picture can paint the lives
of a thousand lifetimes
Over and Over again

Like a tapestry weaving in the loom
Needling the shuttlers
Picking out the cockleburs
To complete a life story

Doest the picture we paint
depicts the tapestry complete
Doest Un-Regenerated characteristics
break the walls of solidarity

If we are the weavings on the loom
and life is like a tapestry
Let not stray strands split ends
and end in a split


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