For some reason I remembered a post Beautifuk ranted some time ago about names, which got me thinking - What's really in a name? What are the hidden forces, meanings, symbolism and possible encrypted languages even?
Did some sourcing around on the Internet and the first website that I landed on was this website titled Kabalarian Philosophy that offers free Name Analysis. Wow. Curioisity of the cat got the better of me and their analysis of my name is as below:
Although the name Julian creates the urge to be both logical and technical, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details exclusively. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the elimination system, which can lead to other complications.
The name of Julian indicates you are a patient, meticulous person who enjoys working in a very detailed, systematic way, in such fields as mathematics, science, mechanics, computers, or engineering. You do your best work when there is no disruption, as you do not easily adjust to interference and changes once you start a project; also you like to work step by step at your own speed. Your infinite patience would allow you to develop intricate, involved skills to perfection. However, it is not easy for others to work and live with you as you deliberate so long in arriving at conclusions and allow small details to restrict your point of view.
Now in coincidence I had just posted a very recent entry about my personality - And according to my Character Analysis there are certain similarities like.. I enjoy working in a systematic way and I like to work at my own speed. I'm not so sure about allowing small details to restrict my because well, experiences with past projects would be more describing me as a "big picture kind of guy."
All right enough about me lest I start becoming narcissistic.
According to The Kabalarian Philosophy, the mind and thought have their origin in an abstract plane of conscious intelligence, which comes into manifest form through the symbols of language.
The brain is not the source of the mind, but merely the physical instrument of the mind. When name is attached to an individual, certain specific forces of conscious intelligence are combined. They constitute the nucleus of the mind. The conscious forces combined by the name can be represented by a numerical formula in much the same way as the basic chemical elements combined in a chemical compound can be represented by a chemical formula.
The mental characteristics of an individual can be read from the numerical formula representing the person's name, just as the characteristics of a chemical compound can be read from its chemical formula.
Ooh.. is it possible that a single name being bestowed to a baby since birth might inevitably determine his or her future? Guess what, even Brayden has a Name Analysis.
I wondered if Zoe Tay has ever consulted people on similar grounds when she was deciding the name for her baby.
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